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TicketBird Bot - Setup

The following page is a step by step instruction for how to properly setup TicketBird.

It's quite simple as TicketBird handles the hard stuff for you.

1. Add TicketBird to your Discord server

Skip this step if you have just added TicketBird to your server.

Click the button below to authorize TicketBird and select the server you want it on.

TicketBird needs Admin permissions in order to create categories, and channels, move categories and channels, mention everyone, and manage messages and other core features. TicketBird will not function properly without Admin permissions.

2. Run the setup command

Just run the setup command: "=ticketbird setup"
TicketBird will then create 4 categories and 1 channel. Once TicketBird sends you the confirmation message that it was all successful, you may rename these categories and channel as well as move them to anywhere you wish.

And your all set! TicketBird will now be functioning!

Remember to add "staff" members to respond to tickets and "projects" for tickets to reference.

All users need to do is send a message in the "support-request" (default name) channel and TicketBird will create a new ticket and help them provide relevant information for you.

For all command documentation check the commands page.